I came, I clicked,

Two old men are sitting on a bench.
One says to the other. “My daughter married the most wonderful man, he cooks, he cleans and he gets the kids off to school.”
The other says, “My son married the laziest woman, she makes him cook, clean and get the kids off to school”.
Short joke 👇
More jokes 👇
- What is the definition of mixed feelings? โฆ
- Why would you rather deal with a vicious dog than your father-in-law? โฆ
- My Mom finally got the courage to bring my Dad’s urn into the living room and place it on the mantle
- The reason Batman doesn’t cover his whole face is because he needs the police to know he’s white
- All the good faith that I had had had had no effect on the outcome of that sentence
- Anybody on here with knowledge regarding noisy dishwashers? โฆ