๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜ฏ ๐Ÿ˜

A woman has to go to Italy for a conference, so her husband drives her to the airport.
โ€œThank you honey,โ€ she says, โ€œIs there anything I can bring back for you?โ€

He laughs, and says, โ€œAn Italian girl!โ€

When the conference is over, he meets her up at the airport and asks, โ€œHow was the trip?โ€
โ€œVery good,โ€ she replies.
โ€œAnd what happened to my present?โ€
โ€œWhich present?โ€ she asks.
โ€œThe one I asked for - an Italian girl!โ€
โ€œOh, that. I did what I could. We’ll just have to wait nine months to see if it’s a girl.โ€