I came, I clicked,
One whisky, 2 whiskies, 3 whiskies, 4 wihskies, 5 wihkseis, 6 wiihkseis, 7 wiyikhsiess, 8 iwyiskeisih, 8, 9, 10 wȩəhîywhïsɠyiyksiŝƨȅyiesɰs…
Short joke 👇
More jokes 👇
- You can go a long way with a smile
- BREAKING: Homeopaths reporting the radiation now hitting California is so dilute it is actually a cure for itself
- 7up are going to introduce a new drink called F5 which is more refreshing
- Being an expert in social media is like being an expert at taking the bread out of the refrigerator
- The problem with a UDP joke is that you have no idea if people got it
- ICANN has